Thursday, March 18, 2010

Oakland gardening genre

One highlight of the characteristic Oakland garden is the abounding use of Garden Art. The key to discerning an Oakland garden, indeed, might just be how considerate is the placing of the Garden Art that's employed. Garden Art isn't new, of course. From the times of King Louis XIV when the art of the garden reached its zenith and wasn't again transcended, all of the way back to the Romans, Greeks, Egyptians - well, you get the picture : Garden Art has been around a long, long time. But in just the past twenty-five years, or hence Garden Art is making a resurgence.

The fine talent of employing Garden Art to its fullest potential is honed thru study, visiting providers of fine Garden Art and, naturally, visiting all those wonderful gardens in your area that you find making use of Garden Art. Online resources to observe the art of the garden abound. For one UK web site has a whole 2-volume work on gardening from 1912 titled History of Garden Art by Marie-Luise Gothein. After reviewing this book, it is pretty clear that our long-passed writer Gothein's work is about as exhaustive as it becomes and is , a grand starting-off point for anybody enthusiastic about Garden Art.