The winter and the cold already presents are made and the plants need rest. They prefer this station of the year for a “siesta of repair”. Revigorizan their biological functions and are prepared for a new vital cycle that arrives with the spring.
During the dream, the vegetal growth of the majority of the plants is parked or happened of very slow way. Therefore, any effort in the sense to make them productive is null. In this way, it is good for using fewer amounts of fertilizer and water, besides not touching much Earth. They are valid advice to almost all the plants, except the geranium and the azalea for example; species that demand special cares in that period of the cold.
The yellowish color of the plants at that time is a signal that gives the plants of which they are in hibernation. In the most extreme cases, like of those of typical bulbs like the irises, the dahlias, etc., the plants happen through an underground inactivity. Therefore they dry his external parts totally.
Then, the bulbs, must be extracted, be released of the excess of earth that they are put under, and placed in perforated plastic bags in order that are not dried or they are deteriorated. After four months they must be replanted.
Some species like the succulent ones, for example, can get to surprise by the force of will and the desire to live and until arriving not to hibernate if they have a good luminosity and sufficient water. In the middle of January, the majority of the plants begins his to wake up and returns to their total vegetation in February to revivir in March, month that initiates the spring.